WOMAN Fabio Frati

Fabio Frati’s brand is addressed to a modern, practical and careful to details woman, who appreciates the comfort and versatility of the knitwear. Loving the Made in Italy, she tries to distinguish herself with style and elegance in every season.
NonSoloLana Maglieria Pregiata Fabio Frati Made in Italy
NonSoloLana Maglieria Pregiata Fabio Frati Made in Italy

Nonsololana Srl - Via dei Casini 19/b, 59100 Prato - Tel: (+39) 0574 635292 - Fax: (+39) 0574 545999 - mail: info@nonsololana.it - Sitemap
Vat Number - Fiscal Code 02040470979 / Capital Eur 30.000,00 / REA PO 494717 - Privacy - Cookie Policy